Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Note to DannyPants

It's so funny.... Just earlier tonight I was talking to some people about how I haven't written a blog entry in months. And then this happens. Enjoy this note that I just wrote to my best friend, and look for more to come soon as I figure out how the hell to make this happen.


I just put on Sigur Ros on Pandora to fall asleep to. Just as I was about to pass out, a song by a band called Hammock came on called "I Can Almost See you". I was suddenly wide awake. I needed to hear more from this band. Now. I hopped on youtube and looked them up. This video was the first one that popped up and now I am sitting in my room in tears because it is so beautiful. I'm literally a crying, snotty, hot mess right now. You have to watch this. This is EXACTLY what I have had buried in the back of my mind for the last four years with where I want to go with my artwork. I think this is the next step, Dan. We were just talking about this last week. After the last show in the fall, I need to take a step in a whole new direction or else things are going to start to become pretty redundant pretty quickly. I just had to share this with you. I knew you'd get it since we've been talking about this for so long. I feel really good about this. This is gonna be good.

Love you,

*video is copyrighted by*

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