Saturday, June 26, 2010

Art Naturally Opening Reception Saturday, June 26, 2010

It's finally here! My show is today at Convergence! I still have a painting here on display for another 6 months or so, and it's actually still up on their website here. I am really excited about this show. I have a solid group of pieces that I hope to sell through quickly, and I have some fresh ideas for new things already. I have a short little break coming up from school for a week or so and I'd really like to get a few small things done to have a broader price range available on etsy and get things to a point where they are a bit more cohesive. I plan to photograph the new work and some other pieces that I've finished in the interim that have just fallen to the bottom of the list since I've been recuperating from painting nonstop for a week and back in school full time the week immediately following that.

It's just one thing after another, but art is really looking up right now! I can't wait for tonight! If you have been a part of me somehow managing to pull this out of my ass in 6 days, thank you. You know who you are, and you're the best a spastic artist could ever ask for.

I'll post pics from the show later so come back and visit soon!

Make love! Make art!

View show photos courtesy of Jules here:!/media/set/?set=a.562068852904.2081772.55300604&type=3

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I smell youtube.

I decided to add some videos to my art blog. You can view them on youtube courtesy of Jules. This is a video of me talking about the art show pretty generally and just kind of thinking out loud about how I'm going to make this happen, and this is a video of my answer to Jules asking me about how I want people to interact with my art.

The rules were that Julia wasn't allowed to ask me a question until the camera was on so that way the answer would be just my train of thought and not something planned. There were a couple more, but I'm just gonna start with these for now.

And here's a few pics, just for the fun of the progression.

Monday, June 7, 2010

"Art Naturally" All Nighter 1

So in anticipation of how crazy this week is going to be, I've enlisted my good friend Jules to help keep me awake and tell me if something sounds like a horrible idea. It's fantastically convenient because she also loves taking pictures, so now I finally get pictures of me doing artsy stuff when I'm doing something on a time crunch that really counts. I almost quit, by the way. I was just so stressed about time, and just really didn't think I could do it, but I got a pep talk from a friend and he kinda talked some sense into me. Thanks, K, even if you don't see this. I really needed to hear what you said.

Here's some photos from last night.

tracing a fly.

cucumber water is my new favorite thing.

but I still love my wine.

"The Wall of Get Busy"

a box of paper birds.

I think I was listening to Dan here.

bouncing some ideas off of Dan.

ABH House stock photo.

Did you get your tickets to the gun show?

the night is young!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

"Art Naturally" Prep Session 1

So, once again, a pseudo last minute art show with Convergence, where I will have a painting on display for a full year in their gallery. Still kind of crazy stoked about that. It's the first painting on the Home Page under the header "2010 Community Wide Theme, Transformation - Freedom through Movement".

I had this ingenious idea for this show that I'm ging to fill this 12 foot wall right.... and it's not until last night that I actually pull out a measuring tape and lay it out on the floor with Dan and suddenly my jaw kind of drops to the freaking floor with the sudden realization of just how big 12 feet is. You don't think anything of it.... 12 feet. It's nothing. It's twice the height of the average guy. Well, take two 6 foot tall men and lay them down in a line and suddenly that's a rather large wall for art that doesn't exist yet. Shiiiit! It's gonna be one crazy week and a half. Show is June 29th, hanging is June 12th. Let's do this.

For lack of creative content because my energy really needs to be on my paintings, which Jules and her sister are coming over to be my sounding board for, (YES!) you get this email correspondence between myself and the Convergence Gallery Saviour who will remain nameless until I have her permission to put her name in here, and a pic of what I'm starting out with. Updates over the next week and a half to follow.

My email to C an hour ago:

"I think I finally figured out what I'm doing for the show... I seriously think that if I can pull this idea off that it is going to be the most labor intensive and extensive cohesive set of pieces that I've ever done in my life. This is either going to make or break me in the next 11 days. It's gonna be fun!


Her reply to me, which is probably the best email I've gotten in months:


You are amazing and mind blowing. I love that you are putting so much into your art and this exhibit! I can't wait to see your presentation. You (and artists like you) are the reason F***** and I are willing to work so hard at a volunteer position! Thank you for ending a rough couple of days w/ a smile. :)

See you soon.

You're welcome, C! Make love! Make art!