2. It's bigger than any other space I've ever had to work in, which means it's going to be messier than any other space I've had to work in. (And Dan is not a fan of messes, so I should keep up on that.)
3. There is a HUGE mirror in my studio, which could easily come in handy in any number of situations... but I have a feeling that it's either going to be me using it so that I have a nude model to work from and that I'll be painting a lot of myself (which is normal, but strange to think about since I've never done it before), or that I'll become incredibly self-aware/self-conscious about my body since I'll be staring at it all the time since the mirror literally takes up an entire wall.
4. I am very glad for this HUGE mirror nonetheless, because at least if it gets messy, the room still feels big!
5. Art is fun, but not as fun when you find yourself sans-Disney Princess.
6. It's orange. Which is different. And bright. And fantastic. And I'm completely unaccustomed to it. Accompanying my vibrant orange walls, there are gold satin sheets hanging on the walls catching paint that goes places I didn't mean to send it flying, and a deep red rug on the floor. And I love it! And I'm pretty confident that my color palette is about to become incredibly vivid and warm, or will go to the opposite extreme and be very cool and calming.
7. "Barack Obama is black."
8. I've got a convenient shelf for wine, but no wine on it.
9. I've got a record player, and more records than I know what to do with thanks to Dan having about 20 times more vinyl than I do.
10. I discovered something horrible about myself tonight, and I know that the reason I discovered it is because I was in my studio. As excited as I am to have the Red Room, I'm a little scared of it now because if this is only week one of being in it and I discovered something this disturbing, then what's next?
11. I have a list of ideas in my sketchbook, and I need to start acquiring supplies to make them. Home Depot rejects, here I come.
12. I've got more ideas than I know what to do with... it's going to be a good Fall!